Our Story So Far
The Oberon Suffolk Stud is situated across 2 properties straddling the Great Dividing Range in the Central Highlands of Victoria. The Rich chocolate soil and high rainfall sees an abundance of feed for the flock in Spring but it is a difficult climate with a long cold winter where snowfalls are regular. Summers can be long and dry with the volcanic soil drying out quickly leaving pasture growth lacking until the autumn break – often as late as May when temperatures drop and grass growth slows.
Founded in 2001 with the purchase of a stud ram and 10 stud ewes from Sweet Waters Stud, Rupanyup, the flock grew slowly until the purchase of an elite stud ram, Allendale 2059, and 6 ewes from Allendale in 2006. Since that date, further sheep have joined the flock from Allendale, Marananga, Aylesbury Farm, Advancer and Bowen – often including the top priced ewes at those sales. Stud dispersals have allowed for elite ewes to be purchased - from the Burwood, Aylesbury Farm, Pamellen, Kerangie and Ashley Park Studs.
In 2010, 2015, 2017, 2020 and 2021 extensive AI programs have been carried out with fantastic results. Semen is in storage from major sires and our own rams, Oberon 152 and 145 have been collected for the MLA Resource Flock.